Can CBD Help You Quit Smoking Tobacco?

Written by Synergy Life Science

December 30, 2022

Doctor in a lab coat holding up a cigarette infront of a hand symoblizing ‘stop’.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that tobacco kills up to half of its consumers and is responsible for 8 million deaths annually. More than 7 million of those deaths result from direct tobacco use, while around 1.2 million result from second-hand smoke exposure.

According to the CDC, most (68%) of tobacco smokers want to quit, and more than half attempted to quit in the last year. However, the tobacco industry spends billions each year marketing cigarettes.

Emerging research suggests cannabinoid therapy may reduce nicotine dependence and aid in tobacco cessation.

How Does the Endocannabinoid System Modulate Nicotine Addiction?

The endocannabinoid system is a physiological system consisting of endogenous cannabinoids and receptors that is responsible for maintaining biological homeostasis. A growing body of research shows a connection between the endocannabinoid system and nicotine addiction.

The drug rimonabant, a synthetic CB1 receptor inverse agonist/antagonist, was approved in Europe for treating obesity before it was removed from the market worldwide. It has been shown to be effective in decreasing nicotine-seeking in rodents. Rimonabant also reduces nicotine-induced elevation of dopamine reward signals. In randomized clinical trials, rimonabant has been shown to improve the ability of tobacco smokers to quit. However, rimonabant was removed from the market due to the increased risk of psychiatric side effects. Nonetheless, the data on rimonabant provides clues about the endocannabinoid system’s potential as a therapeutic drug target for nicotine addiction.

Does Cannabidiol (CBD) Help With Quitting Tobacco Smoking?

Several studies show the potential for cannabidiol (CBD) in treating various conditions, such as sleep, wound healing, and nicotine addiction.

Animal studies have shown promise for potentially treating nicotine addiction with CBD. A study on nicotine-dependent rats found that CBD reduced withdrawal symptoms during periods of nicotine abstinence. Interestingly, researchers found no difference in rats treated with higher doses of CBD versus lower doses — the lower doses were just as effective in reducing withdrawal.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 30 tobacco smokers assigned participants to receive a single 800-mg oral dose of CBD or a placebo after an overnight period of abstinence from cigarettes. CBD reduced the salience and pleasantness of cigarette cues compared with a placebo. This effect was measured by showing people a photo of a person smoking a cigarette compared to a neutral image; people with a CBD dose were less tempted to smoke when they viewed the cigarette photo. However, CBD did not influence participants’ tobacco craving, withdrawal, or any subjectively rated side effects.

Another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study of 24 tobacco smokers who wanted to quit smoking randomized participants to receive an inhaler with CBD or a placebo. Participants were instructed to use the inhaler whenever they felt the urge to smoke a cigarette. After one week, the placebo group showed no difference in the number of cigarettes smoked, but the CBD group reduced cigarette smoking by 40%.

Portable Cannabinoid Nebulizer Treatment — A Potential Treatment for Nicotine Addiction?

Tobacco smokers who want to quit often turn to nicotine e-cigarettes. However, experts do not recommend nicotine e-cigarettes for tobacco cessation because the evidence for their effectiveness is uncertain, and nicotine causes adverse health effects. Furthermore, e-cigarettes may contain harmful cancer-causing chemicals.

Instead of nicotine e-cigarettes, consumers are increasingly searching for inhaled CBD to quit smoking. However, oil-based drug carriers in cannabinoid vaping products have been linked to serious health problems. Portable handheld nebulizers for CBD inhalation offer a convenient, safe alternative for supporting tobacco smokers who want to harness the potential of endocannabinoid system balance in quitting smoking.

Takeaways on Handheld Cannabinoid Nebulizers for Smoking Cessation

Battery-operated portable nebulizers offer a safe, simple, and highly effective delivery method for rapid cannabinoid administration. The Nebi is rechargeable, with replaceable cartridges for treating many conditions. Water-based or saline-based delivery systems offer a modernized upgrade for safe and effective cannabinoid inhalation, with no heat or oil required. Contact us here to find out more.

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